
ST(SAO) - KCC-Crop Loan

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Period: 1 Year

Rate of Interest: 6.00%

  • Working Capital Loan for crops like sugarcane

Additional ST (SAO)-KCC

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Period: 1 year

Rate of Interest: 14.00%

  • Short Term loan for consumption & contingent

Purchase of Agri. Implement & Machinery

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Period: 5 to 9 year

Rate of Interest: 13.00%

  • Purchase for Bull - pair/ cart ,Tractor , Trailer, etc.


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Period: 5 to 9 year

Rate of Interest: 13.00%

  • Grace period 1 year for new well digging

Dev. of Irrigation Potential

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Period: 5 to 9 year

Grace period 1 year for new well digging

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Reclamation & Land Dev.

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Period: 5 to 9 year

and development, Saline land reclamation

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Construction of farm Building & Structures

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Period: 5 to 7 year

Construction of Farm House, Building Structures etc.

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Development loans to plant, Horti Forestry & Westland

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Period: 5 to 7 year

Construction of Farm House, Building Structures etc.

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Purchase of Miltch animal & Dairy Development

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Period: 5 years

Construction of Farm House, Building Structures etc.

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Purchase of sheep, Goat, Piggery , Emu etc.

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Period: 5 years

Purchase of sheep, Goat, Piggery, Emu

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Poultry Farming

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Period: 5 to 7 years

Purchase of Khadaki, Broiler, Hybrid layer etc.

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Agri clinic & Agri business

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Period: 5 to 7 years

Agri service centers

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Bio Gas & Toilet

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Period: 5 years

Bio Gas & Toilet

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%


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Period: 5 years

Purchase of new Two ,Four Wheeler

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%

Consumption / Consumer

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Period: 5 years

Purchase for consumer product

  • Rate of Interest: 13.50%

Business loan, Project finance, Self employment

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Period: 5 to 7 years

Build of new projects Working capital

  • Rate of Interest: 14.00%

Kisan Sahay Yojana

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Period: 5 years

  • Rate of Interest: 13.50%


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Period: 5 years

Rural housing / Shetkari Nivas

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%


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Period: 9 year (Including grace period)

Higher Education in India and Abroad

  • Rate of Interest: 13.00%